Mix and Match our Konfidence Splashy Nappy and Aquanappy to make the perfect eco-friendly nappy bundle. Approved by the STA and Swim Schools as the gold standard for the required double layer system
- What is a Splashy Nappy? A Splashy Nappy is a nappy cover which is designed to snuggly fit over our one size fits all Splashy Aquanappy making sure that no little accidents escape. Made from e-Flex a Konfidence exclusive material made from recycled plastics. These are required by most swimming pools as part of the double layer nappy system.
- What's is a Splashy Aquanappy? A one size fits all Splashy Aquanappy is reusable swim nappy that grows with your child. Replacing disposable swim nappies that are hugely damaging to the environment.